Star Gazers

Dec 1, 2024    Minister Raymond Archibeque

Seeking Jesus, even today, is risky business that will cost you much. But a new king, the right king, is worth it. What’s at risk for you to come close to King Jesus?

They were focused on something bigger and beyond their immediate circumstances. They saw something that others did not because their heads were lifted up looking for that which was higher than themselves. The star was not obvious to the casual observer. But they saw it because they were looking at the heavens with a hunger for change. And in that posture, they met God.

As a Jesus follower, am I looking for His kingdom to come and His will to be done? Or, are the distractions and busyness of life keeping my eyes focused downward so that even when His guidance is right in front of me, maybe even a miracle, I can’t see it.